Articles in Journals and Books (find additional resources on the CZNet Big Data webpage)
D. Kerins, K. Sadayappan, W. Zhi, P.L. Sullivan, K.H. Williams, R.W.H. Carroll, H.R. Barnard, M. Sprenger, W. Dong, J.N. Perdrial, L. Li (2024). Hydrology outweighs temperature in driving both production and export of dissolved carbon to a snowmelt-driven stream. Water Resources Research.
Stewart, B., J.B. Shanley, S. Matt, E.C. Seybold, D.W. Kincaid, A. Vierbicher, B. Cable, N.M. Hicks, J.N. Perdrial, and L. Li (2024). Illuminating the "invisible": Substantial Deep Respiration and Lateral Export of Dissolved Carbon from Beneath Soil. Water Resources Research, 60(6).
Kincaid, D.W, Underwood, K.L., Hamshaw, S.D., Li, L., Seybold, E.C., Stewart, B., Rizzo, D.M., Ul Haq, I., Perdrial, J.N. (2024). Solute Export Patterns Across the Contiguous United States. Hydrological processes. 38(6),
Li, L., Zhi, W., Ng, C., Knapp, J., Perdrial, J., Sullivan, P. (2024). River Water Quality in a Changing Climate, Nature Climate Change. 14, 225–237.
Sterle G, Perdrial, J.N., Li L, Adler T, Underwood K, Rizzo D, Wen H, Addor N, Newman A, Harpold A (2024) CAMELS-Chem: Stream Water Chemistry and Attributes to Facilitate Large Sample Studies. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 28, 611–630,
Ijaz Ul Haq, Byung Suk Lee, Donna M. Rizzo, J.N. Perdrial (2024). An Automated Machine Learning Approach for Detecting Anomalous Peak Patterns in Time Series Data from a Research Watershed in the Northeastern United States Critical Zone. Machine Learning with Applications. Volume 16, 100543,
Perdrial, J.N., Wheaton, D., Kincaid, D., Seybold, E., Stewart, B., Chorover, J. Blouin, M. Walls, L. (2023). Equity, diversity, and community as the basis for cutting edge Critical Zone (CZ) science and education. Earth's Future. 11 (2)
Lancellotti, B. V., K. L. Underwood, Perdrial, J.N., C. Adair, A. W. Schroth and E. Roy (2023). "Complex Drivers of Riparian Soil Oxygen Variability Revealed Using Self-Organizing Maps. Water Resources Research. 59 (6).
Ruckhaus, M., Perdrial, J.N., Underwood, K.L., Stewart, B., Kincaid, D., Seybold, E., Li, L., Shanley, J., (2023). Disentangling the separate and intersecting pathways of soil and stream water carbon and nitrogen in response to atmospheric drivers. Frontiers in Water. 5.
Underwood KL, Rizzo DM, Hanley JP, Sterle G, Harpold AA, Adler T, Li L, Wen H, Perdrial, J.N. (2023). Machine-Learning Reveals Equifinality in Drivers of Stream DOC Concentration at Continental Scales. Water Resources Research. 59 (3).
Ryan, K., Adler, T., Chalmers, A., Perdrial, J.N., Sebestyen, S., Shanley, J., Stubbins, A., (2022). Optical quality properties of dissolved organic matter in throughfall and stemflow vary across tree species and season in a temperate headwater forest. Biogeochemistry. 164.
Juice SM, Schaberg PG, Kosiba AM, Waite CE, Hawley GJ, Wang D, Perdrial, J.N. Adair C. E., (2022). Soil Type Modifies the Impacts of Warming and Snow Exclusion on Carbon and Nutrient Losses. Biogeochemistry 160(2), 199-217.
Seybold, E.C., Kincaid, D., Musselman, K., Schroth, A., Adair, C., Perdrial, J.N., Dwivedi, R., Classen, A. (2022). Winter runoff events pose an unquantified continental-scale risk of high wintertime nutrient export. Environmental Research Letters. 17 (10),
Li Li, Stewart, B., Zhi, W., Sadayappan, K., Kerins, D. Ramesh, S., Sterle, G., Harpold, A., Perdrial, J.N., (2022). The Predominant Control of Climate on River Chemistry. Earth’s Future. 10(6).
Shanley, J., Taylor, V.F., Ryan, K., Chalmers, A.T., Perdrial, J.N., Stubbins, A., Using DOM fluorescence to predict total mercury and methylmercury in forested headwater streams, Sleepers River, Vermont USA. (2022). Hydrological Processes. 36(5), e14572.
Stewart, B., James B. Shanley, James W. Kirchner, David Norris, Thomas Adler, Caitlin Bristol, Adrian A. Harpold, Perdrial, J.N., Donna M. Rizzo, Gary Sterle, Kristen L. Underwood, Hang Wen, and Li Li (2021). Streams as mirrors: reading subsurface water chemistry from stream chemistry. Water Resources Research. 58(1).
Adler T, Underwood KL, Rizzo DM, Harpold AA, Sterle G, Li L, Wen H, Stinson L, Bristol C, Shanley J, Lini A, Perdrial N, Perdrial, J.N. (2021). Drivers of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) in Forested Headwater Catchments: A Multi Scale Approach. Frontiers in Biogeoscience. 3.
Ryan, K. A., T. Adler, A. Chalmers, Perdrial, J.N., J. B. Shanley and A. Stubbins (2021). Event Scale Relationships of DOC and TDN Fluxes in Throughfall and Stemflow Diverge From Stream Exports in a Forested Catchment. JGR Biogeosciences. 126(7):
Harrington, S., DeSanto, D., Sherriff, G., Carson, W., Perdrial, J.N. (2021) “Going WILD: Adding information literacy to WEC. Book chapter (9) in Anson, Chris M., & Pamela Flash (Eds.). (2022). Writing-Enriched Curricula: Models of Faculty-Driven and Departmental Transformation. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado.
Perdrial, J.N, Sullivan P.L., Dere, A., West. N. (2020). Editorial: Critical Zone (CZ) Export to Streams as Indicator for CZ Structure and Function. Frontiers in Earth Science 8(37). download the E-book!
Landsman-Gerjoi M, Perdrial, J.N., Lancellotti B, Seybold E, Schroth AW, Adair C, Wymore A (2020) Measuring the Influence of Environmental Conditions on Dissolved Organic Matter Biodegradability and Optical Properties: A Combined Field and Laboratory Study. Biogeochemistry 149, 37–52.
Kincaid D, Seybold EC, Adair C, Bowden WB, Perdrial, J.N., Vaughan MCH, Schroth AW (2020) Land Use and Season Influence Event-scale Nitrate and Soluble Reactive Phosphorus Exports and Export Stoichiometry from Headwater Catchments. Water Resources Research. 56(10).
MacNeille, R. B., Lohse, K., Godsey, S., Derryberry, D., McCorkle, E., Parson, S., Baxter, C., Perdrial, J.N. (2020) Stream structure at low flow: biogeochemical patterns of intermittent streams over space and time. Frontiers. 2.
Wen H, Perdrial, J.N., Bernal S, Abbott BW, Dupas R, Godsey SE, Harpold A, Rizzo D, Underwood K, Adler T, Hale R, Sterle G, Li L (2020) Temperature controls production but hydrology controls export of dissolved organic carbon at the catchment scale. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. 1-35.
Cincotta, M., Perdrial, J.N., Shavitz, A., Libenson, A., Landsman, M., Perdrial, N., Armfield, J., Adler, T., Shanley, J. (2019). Soil aggregates as a source of dissolved organic carbon to streams: an experimental study on the effect of solution chemistry on water extractable carbon, Frontiers in Earth Science: Biogeosciences. 7.
Armfield, J., Perdrial, J.N., Gagnon, A., Ehrenkranz, J., Perdrial, N., Cincotta, M., Ross, D., Shanley, J., Underwood, K., Ryan, P. (2019). Does stream water composition at Sleepers River in Vermont reflect dynamic changes in soils during recovery from acidification? Frontiers in Earth Science: Biogeosciences.
Radke, A., Godsey, S., Lohse, K., McCorkle, E., Perdrial, J.N., Seyfried, M.S., Holbrook, S. (2019). Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Water Flowpaths Controls Dissolved Organic Carbon Sourcing in a Snow-dominated, Headwater Catchment.Front. Ecol. Evol.,
Bierman, P., Schmidt, A H., Campbell, M., K., Dethier, D. P., Dix, M., Racela, J., Perdrial, J., Massey-Bierman, M. E., Sibello Hernández, R. Y., Cartas Aguila, H. A., Guillén Arruebarrena, A., García Moya, A., and Alonso-Hernández, C. (2019). !Cuba! River Water Chemistry Reveals Rapid Chemical Weathering, the Echo of Uplift, and the Promise of More Sustainable Agriculture. GSA today.
Perdrial JN, Brooks PD, Swetnam T, Lohse KA, Rasmussen C, Litvak M, Harpold AA, Zapata-Rios X, Broxton P, Mitra B, Meixner T, Condon K, Huckle D, Stielstra C, Vazquez-Ortega A, Lybrand R, Holleran M, Orem C, Pelletier J, Chorover J (2018). A net ecosystem carbon budget for snow dominated forested headwater catchments: linking water and carbon fluxes to critical zone carbon storage. Biogeochemistry, 138(3): 225-243.
Hernandez-Ruiz, S., Perdrial, J.N., Segraves, D. (2018). Evaluation of Corrosion Control Products on a Distribution System through Crowdsourcing. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25, 34487–34495.
Wymore, A.S., West, N.R., Maher, K., Sullivan, P.L., Harpold, A.A., Karwan, D., Marshall, J.A., Perdrial, J.N., Rempe, D.M., Ma, L. (2017). Growing New Generations of International Critical Zone Scientists. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 42(14), 2498-2502.
Li, L., Maher, K., Navarre-Sitchler, A., Druhan, J., Meile, C., Lawrence, C., Moore, J., Perdrial, J.N., Sullivan, P., Thompson, A., Jin, L., Bolton, E.W., Brantley, S., Dietrich, W., Mayer, K.U., Steefel, C.I., Valocchi, A., Zachara, J., Kocar, B., McIntosh, J., Tutolo, B.M., Kumar, M., Sonnenthal, E., Bao, Ch., Beisman, J.(2017). Expanding the role of reactive transport models in critical zone processes. Earth Science Reviews (165): 280-301.
McIntosh, J., Schaumberg, C., Perdrial, J.N., Harpold, A.A., Vazquez-Ortega, A., Rasmussen, C., Vinson, D., Zapata-Rios, X., Brooks, P.D., Meixner, T., Pelletier, J., Derry, L., Chorover, J. (2017). Geochemical evolution of the Critical Zone across variable time scales informs concentration-discharge relationships: Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory. Water Resources Research (53): 4169-4196.
Clark, K.E., Shanley, J.B., Scholl, M.A., Perdrial, N., Perdrial, J.N., Plante, A.F., McDowell, W.H. (2017). Tropical River suspended sediment and solute dynamics in storms during an extreme drought. Water Resources Research (53): 3695-3712.
Miller, M. Boyer, E., McKnight, D., Brown, M., Iavorivska, L., Hunsaker, C. Inamdar, S. McDowell, W., Kaplan, L., Gabor, R., Lin, H., Johnson, D., Perdrial, J.N. (2016). Variation of organic matter quantity and quality in streams at Critical Zone Observatory watersheds. Water Resources Research, 52-10: 8201-8216.
Caulk, R. A., E. Ghazanfari, Perdrial, J.N and N. Perdrial (2016). Experimental investigation of fracture aperture and permeability change within Enhanced Geothermal Systems. Geothermics 62: 12-21.
Vázquez-Ortega, A., D. Huckle, Perdrial, J.N, M. K. Amistadi, M. Durcik, C. Rasmussen, J. McIntosh and J. Chorover (2016). Solid-phase redistribution of rare earth elements in hillslope pedons subjected to different hydrologic fluxes. Chemical Geology 426: 1-18.
Vázquez-Ortega, A., Perdrial, J.N, A. Harpold, X. Zapata, C. Rasmussen, J. McIntosh, M. Schaap, J. Pelletier, P. Brooks, M. K. Amistadi and J. Chorover (2015). Rare earth elements as reactive tracers of biogeochemical weathering in forested rhyolitic terrain. Chemical Geology 391:19-32.
Perdrial, J.N., Thompson, A., Chorover, J. (2015). Soil geochemistry in the Critical Zone: Influence on atmosphere, surface- and ground-water composition” in “Principles and dynamics of the Critical Zone, Houser, C., Giardino, R. (eds), in Developments in Earth Surface Processes. Vol. 19. p.173-201. .
Stielstra, C.M., Lohse, K.A., Chorover, J., McIntosh, J.C., Barron-Gafford, G.A., Perdrial, J.N., Litvak, M., Barnard, H.R., Brooks, P.D. (2015). Climatic and landscape influences on soil moisture are primary determinants of soil carbon fluxes in seasonally snow-covered forest ecosystems. Biogeochemistry 123(3):447-465.
Perdrial, J.N., J. McIntosh, A. Harpold, P. Brooks, P. Troch, J. Ray, X. Zapata-Rios, C Porter, J.Chorover. (2014). Controls of stream water carbon in seasonally snow-covered mountain catchments: impact of water fluxes, catchment aspect and seasonal processes. Biogeochemistry 118(1-3): 273-290.
Perdrial, J.N., Perdrial N., Porter C., Vazquez-Ortega A., Leedy J. and Chorover J. (2014). Experimental assessment of fiberglass passive capillary wick sampler (PCap) suitability for inorganic soil solution constituents, Soil Science Society of America Journal (78):486-495.
Perdrial, J.N., N.Perdrial, A. Harpold, X. Gao, R. Gabor, K. LaSharr, J. Chorover (2012). Impacts of sampling dissolved organic matter with capillary wicks versus aqueous soil extraction. Soil Science Society of America Journal (76):2019–2030.
Chorover J., Troch P.A., Rasmussen C., Brooks P., Pelletier J., Breshears D.D., Huxman T., Lohse K., McIntosh J., Meixner T., Papuga S., Schaap M., Litvak M., Perdrial J.N., Harpold A., and Durcik M. (2011) How Water, Carbon, and Energy Drive Critical Zone Evolution: The Jemez-Santa Catalina Critical Zone Observatory. Vadose Zone Journal 10(3): 884-899.
Perdrial, J.N and L.N. Warr (2011). Hydration behavior of MX80 bentonite in a confined volume system: Implications for backfill design. Clays and Clay Minerals 59(6): 640-653.
N. Perdrial, Perdrial, J.N, J.E. Delphin, F. Elsass, N. Liewig (2010). Temporal and spatial monitoring of mobile nanoparticles in a vineyard soil: evidence of nanoaggregate formation. European Journal of Soil Science (61):456-468.
Perdrial, J.N, L.N. Warr, M-C. Lett F. Elsass and N. Perdrial (2009). Interaction between smectite and bacteria: implications for bentonite backfill in nuclear waste disposal. Chemical Geology, 264, 281-294.
L.N. Warr, J.N.Berger = J.N.Perdrial, M-C. Lett and M. Kodja (2009). Clay-enhanced bioremediation of marine oil pollution. Applied Clay Science,46, 337-345.
L.N. Warr, J.N.Berger = J.N.Perdrial (2007). Hydration of bentonite in natural waters: Application of “confined volume” wet-cell X-ray diffractometry. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 32, 247–2.